
Created on 12 April, 2024Customer Service • 2,221 views • 1 minutes read

About SiteCo

Who we are ?

SiteCo is subsidiary of Bertrand Allard - NEQ:2262522032. We attract small and medium business organizations or individuals, internet users, and those who seek to harness the power of web & mobile applications in their business. We are a digital agency that creates a lasting experience with everything it does.

What we do ?

We create the captivating fusion of design and technology. We are specialized in Interactive Website Development, Responsive Website Design, Mobile Apps Development, Desktop Application Development.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make the client’s idea into realities and produce work that is beautiful and functional. Our services activate superior experiences in order to build memorable creations for consumers. Every Product built by Bertrand Allard must help our customers to make more Revenue and acquire more users on auto-pilot by making very little effort.

Quality Assurance

Every Product in our suite has earned its place. We believe that every technical or non-technical owner should have the tools & technology to optimize their website for more Revenues and Profits.

Team & Experience

Our experienced team executes any customer services project with agility and speed so as to provide them with a distinct customer services advantage. We look for innovative ways to serve our client’s customers using a myriad of technologies and tools.

Support & Assistance

We have designed one of the best & easiest support systems in Market. Support is our #1 priority in case of any issues create support tickets & our SiteCo Team will always get back to you as soon as possible.


Operated by Bertrand Allard - NEQ:2262522032

 Montpellier, Québec, Canada